Minggu, 27 Februari 2011

analyze the disease through your fingers

Biologist University of Swansea, Professor John Manning, said the difference in length of ring finger and index finger associated with hormone levels in the body, which affect the risk of disease.

Was ever noticed the size of the fingers of your hand? Comparison of length of ring finger and index finger can be a medium for the detection of disease risk. Beginning from the fever, joint pain, to heart disease and cancer.

"When 8-12 weeks of pregnancy, levels of these sex hormones have a giant impact on the development of the brain, heart and other organs," says Professor Manning, who wrote the results of his study in a book called 'The Finger Ratio'.

Based on its analysis, finger length is determined since in the womb. Or male sex hormone testosterone, to encourage the growth of the ring finger, and female hormones or estrogens promote the growth of the index finger.

Prostat: result from Cancer Study British Journal of Cancer shows that men with the size of the ring finger longer than index finger has a higher risk of prostate cancer. all of men do have a long ring finger size, but there is no harm in making the results of this study as an alertness alarm.

The following analysis of the level of Professor Manning's health risks based on comparison of index and ring fingers, as quoted by the Every day Mail:
influenza: result from study involving 200 students at the University of Liverpool, those with longer ring fingers are more vulnerable suffer from flu and other common diseases, than those with longer index finger.

Osteoarthritis: result from Nottingham University study, those with longer ring fingers than index fingers, times more likely to create knee osteoarthritis. This study measures the four,000 people the finger. "These results have been replicated in other studies with a large scale in The united states," says Professor Manning.

Weakened cardiac jantungRisiko could even be detected by comparing the size of fingers. According to a study in 2001, a man with size index finger shorter than ring fingers have a lower risk of heart disease.

Anorexia "There is some facts that people with anorexia tend to have ring fingers that are long," says Professor Manning.

there is some fact about autis that an extended ring finger is associated with increased risk of having ADHD or become autistic. studies have shown this condition to autism and studies have shown this to ADHD.

Alcoholics "The bad news is that people with longer ring fingers are more likely to drink alcohol," says Professor Manning. "But do not worry, recent research at Swansea University found long ring fingers tend to be drawn to smoking."
In 2002, Professor Manning, researchers who focus on doing a study of finger launched a book that reveals that men with long ring fingers have higher fertility rates than men with shorter ring fingers.

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