Senin, 25 April 2011

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Minggu, 27 Februari 2011

benefits of herbalism

Also known as botanical medicine, herbalism derives it strength from the power & medicinal value of plants. Its origins date back before history was written or known to man & is steeped in lore & myth dating back to the oldest civilizations. In fact, over thousand years ago, the Sumerians would use plants for medicine purposes, & so , would Egyptians, using things like opium, castor oil, garlic, mint, & coriander to cure common illnesses. Plenty of of these plants are still used today to perform the same deeds. Even in the Elderly Testament, there is record of the usage of plenty of plants, like wheat, rye, & mandrake to cure illnesses.

Spreading to China, to the Middle Ages in Europe, & all over the world, the power of plants to heal continues to be a powerful philosophy today, & there's usually different approaches to using plants for a medicinal purpose. For, it is used as a kind of magical treatment, related to a shaman or someone with divine, mystical powers. Usually a who makes use of plants to cure the ill is seen as someone with additional powers that ordinary people cannot tune in to, & thus, this shaman can make use of these herbs & plants to connect & affect the spirit of the who is sick. This is a well-liked motif among plenty of societies as people think that those who bear the ability to do it must be mystical or magical.

Another approach is the energetic approach, where people think the power is not on the administrator but in the herbs themselves, seeing them as energy containing substances that have the power to heal & give life forces in to those who consume or come in to contact with them. Another approach is the functional dynamic approach, which believes that herbs have a specific & special function. & at last, the chemical approach believes that herbs & plants contain chemical devices that could be great if combined with other things that will give them actual value, in the example of pharmaceutical drugs that sweep the market, all with the purpose of curing the sick. These people think that though these drugs are best in emergent situations, the herbs have a much better long term effect if taken in their stead.

There's plenty of kinds of plant treatments & herbal forms, such as tisanes, which are hot water extracts of an herb, like chamomile tea. & then there's things like vinegars, which has a solution of acetic acid. Then there's the decoctions, which are boiled extract of roots & barks, & then there's the essential oils such as the salves, balms, creams, & lotions, the beeswax lip balm, the creams, the topical agents that are all derived from plants, like aloe, & different kinds of natural healing salves. There's also the poultices & compresses, which take whole herbs & then crush them & add water before making a kind of bandage compress pack. There's also the macerates, which are the chilled infusion of plants with stuff like sage & thyme which are then cut & mixed with chilled water.

analyze the disease through your fingers

Biologist University of Swansea, Professor John Manning, said the difference in length of ring finger and index finger associated with hormone levels in the body, which affect the risk of disease.

Was ever noticed the size of the fingers of your hand? Comparison of length of ring finger and index finger can be a medium for the detection of disease risk. Beginning from the fever, joint pain, to heart disease and cancer.

"When 8-12 weeks of pregnancy, levels of these sex hormones have a giant impact on the development of the brain, heart and other organs," says Professor Manning, who wrote the results of his study in a book called 'The Finger Ratio'.

Based on its analysis, finger length is determined since in the womb. Or male sex hormone testosterone, to encourage the growth of the ring finger, and female hormones or estrogens promote the growth of the index finger.

Prostat: result from Cancer Study British Journal of Cancer shows that men with the size of the ring finger longer than index finger has a higher risk of prostate cancer. all of men do have a long ring finger size, but there is no harm in making the results of this study as an alertness alarm.

The following analysis of the level of Professor Manning's health risks based on comparison of index and ring fingers, as quoted by the Every day Mail:
influenza: result from study involving 200 students at the University of Liverpool, those with longer ring fingers are more vulnerable suffer from flu and other common diseases, than those with longer index finger.

Osteoarthritis: result from Nottingham University study, those with longer ring fingers than index fingers, times more likely to create knee osteoarthritis. This study measures the four,000 people the finger. "These results have been replicated in other studies with a large scale in The united states," says Professor Manning.

Weakened cardiac jantungRisiko could even be detected by comparing the size of fingers. According to a study in 2001, a man with size index finger shorter than ring fingers have a lower risk of heart disease.

Anorexia "There is some facts that people with anorexia tend to have ring fingers that are long," says Professor Manning.

there is some fact about autis that an extended ring finger is associated with increased risk of having ADHD or become autistic. studies have shown this condition to autism and studies have shown this to ADHD.

Alcoholics "The bad news is that people with longer ring fingers are more likely to drink alcohol," says Professor Manning. "But do not worry, recent research at Swansea University found long ring fingers tend to be drawn to smoking."
In 2002, Professor Manning, researchers who focus on doing a study of finger launched a book that reveals that men with long ring fingers have higher fertility rates than men with shorter ring fingers.

Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011

How to Get Rid of Acne Naturally

I've had to struggle with acne since I was four times about 13 years elderly as do lots of teenagers. At point it was so bad I was four times taking a prescription to help rid myself of these ugly blemishes! Still to this day I have random break outs. It is great to read the way you can help yourself by changing what you eat in lieu of adding a pill to your diet. Hopefully these tips will help somebody else as much as it is helped me...

A diet rich in difficult to digest foods such as red meats, fatty dairy products, hydrogenated oils, fried, & sugary foods will  inevitably lead to poor skin. Some foods require to be either minimized or eliminated. Caffeine, chocolate, alcohol, butter, cheese, high amount of seafood (fish & shellfish contain iodine, which is linked to facial breakouts) soda, eggs, citrus, & wheat germ can all trigger acne. A quantity of these things listed however are healthy such as fish, eggs, citrus & wheat germ. So don't eliminate them entirely from your diet watch how often you eat them until you can get your acne under control.

A diet for acne prone skin needs to include vitamin A, which is a powerful antioxidant for skin tissue; B-complex vitamins to regulate stress levels & increase circulation to the surface of skin; vitamin C for immune health & for inflammation; &, vitamin E for healing & repair.

To help rid yourself of these ugly blotches which regularly make us self conscious & to generate a healthy diet, start off by drinking a maximum of 8 glass of water per day as well as fresh fruit juices, namely apple, papaya & pineapple. A cup of green tea each morning will also help the body eliminate toxins naturally.

Eat a salad every day! Green leafy vegetables contain blood purifying chlorophyll, fiber, & all of the necessary vitamins necessary in a healthy diet for oily skin. Also include generous amounts of raw fruits & vegetables. Carrots, apples, pears, & broccoli are all excellent food cures for acne. Brown rice, oats, & other whole grains ought to be consumed regularly for their fiber as well as the B vitamins, while white rice & white flour products ought to be avoided. Poultry & soy are the best sources of protein, & flax seed oil or evening primrose oil can be taken for the skin-nourishing omega oils.

Sticking to a diet focused on the foods known to help cure acne as well as getting some fresh air, moderate exercise & some sunlight (what girl doesn't love a tiny sun? ) will strengthen the body. In the event you follow this path you will finally have permanently healthy, glowing skin which every gal or man deserves to enjoy!

Genetic Breast Cancer Risks

To learn more about genetics and cancer of the breast, continue reading this article. Throughout the article they will speak about the genes that effect the risk of breast cancer, as well as what types of tests are used to detect these genes.

Are you looking for more information on genetic breast cancer risks? If so, you have come to the right place. There's lots of different risk factors for developing this type of cancer, of the largest being relatives genetics. According to research, an individual's chance of developing breast cancer increases with their number of affected relatives.

If, however, these genes are mutated, uncontrolled cell growth can occur, finally leading to this type of cancer. According to research, ladies who have inherited a harmful mutation in their BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes is times more likely than the average woman (without mutations) to create breast cancer.

According to research, a woman (or man) is at increased risk of developing breast cancer if he (or they) inherits a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation from a member of the relatives. What are BRCA1 and BRCA2? BRCA1 and BRCA2 are types of genes that are sometimes often called tumor suppressors. If these genes are normal, they will help the body to prevent uncontrolled cell growth.

If cancer is in your relatives history, you may require to think about performing a genetic check to choose if there's any mutations within your BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. What is involved in these tests? To have a genetic check performed, you will require to provide your health care provider with a blood sample. The blood will be drawn in a laboratory and will then be sent off for testing. Results usually take a few weeks to get back.

While most hereditary cancer of the breast can be attributed to BRCA1 and BRCA2, these are not the only inherited genes that can lead to the development of breast cancer. Mutations of other genes such as TP53, MSH2, PTEN, and ATM, are also associated with hereditary cancer.

In the event you have a history of breast cancer within your relatives, be sure to speak to your relatives doctor. Your doctor may recommend that the who had breast cancer be tested for genetic mutations before they request to do testing on you. Even if there is not a history of breast cancer within your relatives, it is important to get regular breast exams.

If your check results come back positive, this indicates that you have inherited a mutation within your BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. This does not mean that you will certainly create cancer, it basically means that you are at an increased risk of developing it. Similarly, negative results do not insinuate that you won't create breast cancer, but they do recommend that you are less susceptible to developing it.

Maintaining with changes in your body will let you catch breast cancer in its beginning stages! Keep in mind, when it comes to your body, it is better to be safe than sorry!

Senin, 07 Februari 2011

Do not immerse the tea bag more than 3 minutes

Tea has been recognized in several countries of the world are efficacious for body health. Tea also has become food for the community, as one drink on morning that gives a sense of fresh and comfortable.

Tea is a beverage that contains caffeine, an infusion is made ​​by brewing the leaves, shoots, or stems of dried leaves of Camellia sinensis plants with hot water.

Tea is packaged in a tea bag tea powder too. However, there is a need to be considered in tea bags, which is in use. Tea bag should not be immersed for too long. This applies to all teas, or tea-colored green.

This is due to the chlorine content of substances in tea bag paper bag. This substance functions for disinfecting paper, so the paper will be free from bacterial decay and durable. Paper with chlorine look more clean. Because disinfectants, chlorine in large quantities of dangerous.

Not much different from the venom of insects. Many studies have suspected a link between intake of chlorine in the human body with infertility in men, babies born handicapped, mentally retarded, and cancer. So it is recommended not to dip the tea bag in a long time.

If the dye tea bags more than 3-5 minutes, the chlorine will also dissolve in tea. And the many benefits of tea left in the tea beverage. To avoid the possibility - the possibility of illness, you should not immerse the tea bag more than 3 minutes

Indoor polution

One time on a time... oh my goodness, I didn't mean to say that. But it does appear fitting, because I can keep in mind when they used to say that our house could "breathe." Literally, you could listen to the house as a breeze might whistle through a window or door that didn't seal up perfectly. Or, in the Winter, you could tell that they didn't have 10" of fiberglass insulation in the attic, or in the walls for that matter. The heat came from a gravity source on a wall somewhere, not forced through a metal shaft. & air conditioning, well they would open a few more windows.

Indoor pollution is a growing national issue here in the United States. There's so plenty of sources of pollution that they bring in to our buildings every day, it is difficult to even pick a place to start. Then, one time the germs, bacteria, fungus, & particulate get inside, our homes are necessary to be built so airtight that they cannot appear to discover a way to get this stuff back outside. I ought to know, I am an architect in Illinois, & they have perhaps the most stringent design standards in the whole country.

Somewhere along the way they decided that air-tight was going to make things all better. What they ended up doing was locking ourselves in to a jail where dust collects on a giant scale, mold grows in all the wrong places, & germs & bacteria prosper in the climate controlled laboratory they call our home! Along with that came more thing, Sick Building Syndrome, or what they call SBS. The Environmental Protection Agency, EPA, has identified three of the top three causes of SBS; one) Inadequate ventilation, three) Chemical contaminants from indoor sources, & three) Biological contaminants.

When they lowered the requirement of the percentage of outdoor air supply to ventilate our buildings, they began the slow method of carbon dioxide poisoning. Then with the advent of 'wall-to-wall' carpet, & the padding, & the adhesive to hold in all in place, therein started the generation of 'off gassing'. Formaldehyde was in every single place. They were breathing it, & our babies were playing on it every day for years. Then, as the dirt came inside, they could not sweep it up, they had to neat it. Chemicals in every single place, the odors in our nostrils, the moisture in our lungs, & the fluids absorbed through the pores in our skin. They have mold growing inside our walls & behind the bathtub or shower pan. Now they have amazing tiny bugs like MRSA, CRKP, H1N1, the hits keep on coming.

I do know, this is a dark picture I paint, but check with other infectious disease specialists, they will confirm that of the worst places to spend much time, is to be stuck inside for long.

However, there is a solution. It comes in the type of 21st Century Green Expertise, & it is called 'Fresh Air Surround'. This is not a filter, in fact there's no filters to alter, none to buy, or neat, or replace. It takes what nature does outside & brings it inside. Through UV, oxygen & hydrogen, & patented 'Active Pure' expertise, your home can be as fresh as your front porch on a clear Spring day. It removes particulate from the air down to 0.5 microns. For reference, an average human hair is between 40-120 microns in diameter. &, it does other thing that makes it matchless & the most brilliant Air Purifier available today, it kills germs & it will sanitize the surfaces inside your home. It will disinfect counter tops, furniture, door knobs, light switches, child toys, & floors, up to 99.8% pure! University level, peer-reviewed studies have proven this to be true. In less that 24 hours the expertise in 'Fresh Air Surround' killed MRSA, salmonella, E.coli, black mold, & others.

Plenty of of the Green technologies available to us today are brilliant. Progress is marching forward at brilliant rates, year after year. & to date, I have not seen anything that even remotely comes close to what this product can do for us in our home. In a time when they would like to live longer, live healthier, & enjoy the later years of life over any generation before, don't you think it is time they cease looking for an 'outside' fix? I recommend they start looking inside, at our homes, at our families, & at ourselves.

I can say with confidence, I have the cleanest house I do know of, & I plan on keeping it that way. Germs may still come in to my home, but I can assure you, they don't live long. & although I cannot guarantee that I'll never get sick again, I can guarantee you this much, it won't happen inside my house

Rabu, 26 Januari 2011

Hair color trends 2011

Getting some new and refreshed color for your hair is way of keeping your look updated and fresh. For the hair color trends this 2011, hair stylists have indicated that strong haircuts along with bold hues take the cake.


You can also explore other shades of blonde which are still more on the "natural side." Vanilla and strawberry shades are suitable for the summer look. Wearing these colors with braids or loose waves is a girl-next-door, hip look. Consult along with your hair salon before doing anything extreme. Make positive you pick a shade that suits your features and skin tone.

White blonde ( like Marilyn Manroe) has been of the largest trends in the coursework of the New York Fashion week. Hair stylists have associated this bold shade with "sex appeal" and "daring." Sporting this hair color with an edgy pixie cut or full-length wavy mane ought to keep you in style in the coursework of the summer and the approaching fall.

Also, hair stylists have been raving about wearing light shades of blonde with dark roots. It is recommended that in case you do select to go with this trend, make positive you go to a reputable hair salon that does this type of hair color styling. The key is DRAMA! The combination of white blonde hair with dark roots is dramatic in itself and there is no way to go but up from this point. Sharply layered short hair or long hair is a nice combo.


Brown and brunette hair colors are the simplest to wear and style, according to a survey among ladies. It suits any skin tone and is friendly to  any classification of features. Caramel and dark brown hair colors are still in for 2011. The best way to wear it for this season is either sleek and straight; or giant and wavy. Hair stylists have said that retro trends are back and so blunt bangs and giant hair will be a common sight in fashion magazines and runways.

This color is ideal for ladies on-the-go and wishes maximum hard work for maintenance. Any haircut can modify to any shade. But in case you require to style things up for special occasions, loose up-dos and minimal hair accessories ought to do the trick. On the other hand, sporting hats and beanies are the accessories for the casual stylish chicks.



Red hair color is giant this year. Celebrities like Rihanna have been going bold with red and it is going to catch on for the remainder of the year. Hair salons carryover numerous shades of red and selecting the right hue for your skin tone and facial features is important. Red-orange shades and hot reds are the ones you require to look for if your aim is to stand out. However, in case you require things to be more subtle, getting a few highlights could be up to your pace. However, a full head of a single bold color is the giant trend for the year. A pale skin tone is ideal for this hair color.

Black hair color will stay a classic go-to for the hairstyle savvy girl. This color is timeless, but to make it more high-fashion, give yourself an edgy haircut such as blunt bangs with a short bob. Sleek and straight is the way to go in terms of hairstyle. A structured haircut is the most suitable partner for a jet black hair this 2011.

Quick Way to Increase the Volume of Hair

Hair extension is the hottest trend in beauty salons industry. It is gaining popularity in the whole world. Now plenty of hair extension services are obtainable at cost-effective prices. The hair specialists are trying to create new techniques every day. There's several method of hair extension are obtainable. But people prefer those techniques that give better result with less maintenance. Hair extension is not for fashion but it also adds an element of style. It is also recommended for the individuals who are facing hair issues like dull hair, hair loss, damaged hair and even baldness.

Through these techniques you can get stunning and glowing hair instantly. You can also add color for your hair extension. Different types of hair are utilized for this process such as human and synthetic hair. Synthetic hair is used to give fashionable colors like pink, blue etc. In the event you like natural hair, you must go for natural hair extension. Besides these, it comes in different textures and grades.

Then you can apply the clip after the other. It attaches at the base of the opening of the clip and holds towards the scalp. Extension ought to start at the line of neck and then you can add hair extension to your own hair. It instantly gives a better volume and texture to your hair. It is a non-damaging natural method. It is much advanced than the regular hair extension method. You can receive a new hair style every day like your dresses. This method avoids weaving, braiding, sewing or gluing. It is the most cost-effective hair extension and suitable for all types of hair styles.

The common process is to attach by hair fusion or strand by strand, weaving, bonding etc. Among the whole methods clip in hair extensions is common. This process is ideal for those females who are looking for speedy do-it-yourself method without permanent bonding. You don't need any hair stylist to apply it. The best advantage is that it can be applied in less than two minutes at your home. Before applying the clip in extension you must style your own hair first.

Clip on hair extensions is a temporary way to change your look. These clips have small choice of hair attached to metal clips like barrettes. needs at least or of hair clips for extensions. It is highly beneficial for the individuals who have less volume of hair. Everytime you need to add volume to your hair, you can basically clip the extensions. You can get these clip extension from certified beauty salons.

Selasa, 25 Januari 2011

Best Nutrition for Pregnant Women

For pregnant women to consume foods that must be considered is because vitamins and minerals essential for health herself and the fetus. Nutritional needs during pregnancy, among others:
1.Protein, a big role in producing blood cells.
2.Carbohydrates, the body needs for daily energy.
3.Calcium, during pregnancy, calcium is important to help the growth of the baby.
4.Iron is very important in helping the process of production of red blood cells, primarily to prevent anemia.
5.Folic acid, based on several findings of health experts, pregnant women who lack folic acid greater the risk to have a miscarriage or damage to the fetus
.6.Fat, for pregnant women, fat immense benefits to the body's energy reserves, for intermittent body does not feel tired.

Content as you age, the nutritional needs of pregnant women will increase, especially after entering the second trimester of pregnancy. Because at that time, fetal growth took place rapidly - particularly the developing brain and nervous system - and require optimal nutrition.
Nutrients required are:
1.Carbohydrate and fat as a source of energy to produce a calorie substances can be obtained from cereals, tubers.
2.Protein as a source of builder substances can be obtained from meat, fish, eggs and nuts.As a regulator of mineral substances may be obtained from fruits and vegetables - veggies.
3.Vitamin B complex is useful for maintaining the nervous system, muscles and heart to function normally. Can be found in cereals, grains - grains, beans, green vegetables, yeast, eggs and dairy products.
4.Vitamin D is useful for growth and bone formation of your baby.The source is found in fish liver oils, egg yolks and milk.
5.Vitamin E useful for the formation of healthy red blood cells. Eat institutions mainly wheat grains, pulses, vegetable oil and green vegetables.
6.Folic acid is useful for the development of the nervous system and blood cells, many found in dark green vegetables such as spinach, cauliflower and broccoli. In fruits, folic acid found in oranges, bananas, carrots and tomatoes. Folic acid needs during pregnancy is 800 mcg per day, especially in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Folic acid deficiency can disrupt the formation of the brain, to congenital defects in the central nervous system and brain of the fetus.
7.Iron is required pregnant women to avoid anemia, many found in green vegetables (like spinach, kale, cassava leaves, papaya leaves), meat and liver.
8.Calcium, it is necessary for the growth of fetal bones and teeth, as well as protecting pregnant women from osteoporosis If calcium needs of pregnant women are not fulfilled, then the loss of calcium from bone will be taken from the mother. Other sources of calcium are green leafy vegetables and beans.Currently, calcium is best obtained from milk and other dairy products. Milk also contains many vitamins, like vitamin A, D, B2, B3, and vitamin C.(

Ants Nest For Health Benefits

Ants Nest has been empirically proven to healing a variety of mild and severe disease, like cancer and tumors, gout, coronary heart disease, hemorrhoids, tuberculosis, migraine, arthritis and leukemia. Regarding the mechanism of the active compound content of ant nests in treating these diseases is still necessary to conduct further research. Some diseases can be cured and the possibility of active compounds that contribute to conquer the disease is explained as follows.


The types of cancer and tumors, both benign or malignant, which can be cured with Ants Nest is a brain cancer, nasal cancer, breast cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, uterine cancer, skin cancer, prostate cancer, and cancer blood (leukemia), except the throat and oral cavity cancer.
Ants Nest ability empirically for the treatment of various types of cancer / tumor is allegedly related to the content of flavonoids. There are several mechanisms of flavonoid in combating tumors / cancer, for example inactivation of carcinogens, antiproliferasi, inhibition of cell cycle, induction of apoptosis and differentiation, angiogenesis inhibition, and reversal of multi-drug resistance or a combination of these mechanisms.


Until now the mechanism is unclear, but the ability of ant nests for the treatment of various diseases / disorders of heart had something to do with multi-mineral content of ant nests, particularly calcium and potassium.


Treatment of stroke is strongly associated with the possibility of multi-mineral content contained in ant nests.

4. Hemorrhoid (hemorrhoids)

Ants Nest ability to hemorrhoid treatment (hemorrhoids) associated with the content of flavonoids and taninnya high. Both groups of this compound in some studies it has been proven to treat hemorrhoids.

5. Lumps IN BREAST

The meaning of lumps in the breast is not a tumor swelling (non-neoplasm). Allegedly healing mechanism similar to the cases of tumors and cancer, by relying on the ability of flavonoid contained in the ant nest.


Mechanism of treatment of renal dysfunction and prostate probably something to do with the content of antioxidants (flavonoids and tocopherol) and multi-minerals that exist in ant nests.

7. Menstruation and vaginal discharge

The process of treatment for vaginal discharge and menstruation launch something to do with the content of flavonoids, tannins, and multi-minerals, especially calcium and zinc.

8. Blood circulation

High antioxidant content (tocopherol and flavonoids) and multi-minerals contained in the nest has an important role in blood circulation.

9. Migraine (headaches)

For the treatment of migraine associated with flavonoid function and multi-minerals in ant nests, particularly calcium, sodium, and magnesium.


Treatment of tuberculosis associated with the role of flavonoids contained in the ant nest that serves as an antiviral.

11. Rheumatic (arthritic)

This is related to the ability of flavonoids as inhibitors of xanthine oxidase and antioxidant enzymes as well as tocopherol as an antioxidant and multi-minerals contained in the ant nest.

12. ALLERGIC NASAL DISORDERS, nosebleeds, sneezing

The compounds responsible for this disorder are antioxidants (tocopherol and flavonoids) and tannins.

13. Heartburn

As with tuberculosis, which plays a role in ulcer treatment are flavonoids contained in the ant nest as an antibacterial.
Additional Benefits Ants Nest
In addition to empirically proven to cure various diseases as mentioned above, Ants Nest can also be used to launch and increase breast milk, restore sexual desire, and restore and maintain stamina.


Multi-mineral content of plants from ant nests suspected to have an important role in launching and increase milk production, accelerate the recovery process of the health of mothers after childbirth, and restore femininity (sari Rapet).


High antioxidant content (tocopherol and flavonoids) and multi-mineral plant-ant nests suspected to have an important role in increasing sexual arousal.


High antioxidant content (tocopherol and flavonoids) and multi-mineral plant Dais Ants Nest allegedly having an important role in restoring freshness and stamina.

it is advisable and not in shampooing

Shampooing is one form of hair care routine. However, shampooing methods that one actually will make damaged hair.The following should be done and should not be done when you're shampooing, as quoted from
1. When shampooing, choose the appropriate shampoo and hair needs. For example, for oily hair, dry or falling out. So that the shampoo was not only serves to clean the scalp, but also nourish the hair.
2. Comb your hair before membasahkannya. This will reduce frizz after shampooing, and prevent it from shedding when combing.
3. When shampooing, start rubbing your scalp from the forehead to the rear. Massage gently on the head will make blood circulation more smoothly. The hair was getting healthy and fertile.
1. Do not rub your hair too hard when shampooing. It can cause scalp sores and infections. Also, rubbing the scalp too strong will make the hair loss and fractures.
2. Do not directly put the shampoo in your hair and then rub it.This will make the shampoo is uneven. Unequal Shampoo also difficult to clean, so it will settle into the dirt on the scalp. Better to put the shampoo in your hands before you rub it into hair.
3. Do not wash it with water that is too hot. Water that is too hot will damage the outer layer of hair. Hair will become dry and dull.

food sharpen memory

Not lots of people would disagree with the fact that the human brain is an brilliant organ. However, in order to keep it in optimal form, it is important that each individual takes care to keep their brain stimulated through activity on a every day basis. Not only does the brain age like the remainder of the body, it can also become liable to debilitating conditions, such as Alzheimer's & dementia. When it comes to maintaining & improving human memory, there's numerous games, actions & other steps lots of take to guarantee that they stay sharp in this section. However, what may be surprising is the fact that there's a selection of foods that have the natural ability to enhance a person's memory for the better.

Fresh Fruits

Fruit lovers will find it simple to incorporate more of these food items in to their every day eating habits in order to keep their memory at its best. Of coursework not all fruits come with memory boosting benefits. The next time you plan on going grocery shopping, add the following items to your list: apples, cherries, blueberries, grapes & eggplant.

An apple a day not only keeps the doctor away, it can strengthen the brain to ward off Alzheimer's, thanks to its rich levels of the powerful antioxidant known as quercetin, which is present in the skin of the apple.

Blueberries have a significant impact on the human memory by providing the brain with vital phytochemicals, which serve to improve overall function, but chiefly target the parts responsible for memory.

Cherries contain anthocyanin, which is another potent antioxidant with the ability to protect the brain's tissues from becoming damaged by oxidation. The result is a stronger mind that is better guarded against neurological disorders.

Grapes, like cherries & blueberries, also contain high levels of anthocyanin. The more antioxidants the brain is exposed to, the better. When purchasing grapes, black, red & purple are all chock filled with anthocyanin so feel free to buy whichever color you prefer.

Eggplant, which is a fruit-not a vegetable, not only contains the popular antioxidant anthocyanin but is high in levels of nasunin as well. Also an antioxidant, nasunin plays the essential role of defending the lipids in the brain's cell membranes.

Aside from fresh fruit, there's a handful of veggies that are also ideal for helping a person's memory stay in tip-top shape. Both adults & children similar ought to make an work to include more of the following in to their every day meals in order to properly equip their minds with memory enhancing nutrients: spinach, broccoli, red beets & onions.

Pass the Vegetables,

Equipped with both folic acid & quercetin, broccoli is another green veggie that can provide a helping of benefits for the human brain. Folic acid is also present in red beets, as well as a healthy dose of anthocyanin.

The Popeye cartoons weren't lying when they showed what spinach could do for the human body. However, this leafy green vegetable can also do wonders for a person's memory. Rich in folic acid, this nutrient is strong to not only boost memory but even has the potential to reverse memory loss related to aging, according to medical studies.

Onions, both white & yellow, are ideal for giving your brain a hearty helping of quercetin antioxidants, while red onions carryover the dynamic duo of quercetin & anthocyanin.

Herbal Stimulation

Ginko biloba is known for being nice at promoting blood circulation within the brain, as well as stopping free radical destroy, which can negatively affect human memory.

In addition to fruits & vegetables, positive herbs contain natural properties that are ideal for keeping the brain's memory properly functioning, even with the passage of time. Ginko biloba, rosemary & hawthorn are top herbs that someone will need to have handy for stopping memory loss.

Hawthorn is an potent herb that contains antioxidants that are strong to strengthen the health of the brain's tissues & blood vessels, remove harmful toxins & promotes proper transfer of nutrients & oxygen to the brain.

Rosemary not only enhances memory but also has the ability to improve concentration & overall brain activity.

wood Secang (Caesalpia sappan L.)

Wood Secang (Caesalpia sappan L.)Local Name:secang (Sunda), wooden secang, soga Java (Java),;
Wood cut into pieces and dried (skin removed).

Diarrhea, dysentery.
Coughing blood in tuberculosis.
Vomiting of blood, dysentery, bloody wounds, bruises bleeding.
Syphilis, dirty blood,
Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eye.
Treatment after birth.
Swelling (tumor),
Pain due to blood circulation disorders and Ci.

To drink: 3-9 g, boiled.
External use: Wood boiled, the water to wash wounds, bleeding wound or used to wash the inflamed eye.

1. Blood Cleanser:
Wood scrapings Trawas plus coriander leaves and then boiled.

2. Diarrhea:
5 g of wood is cut into small pieces and boiled with 2 cups water
for 15 minutes. After chilling filtered, divided into 2 parts.
Drink morning and evening.

3. Coughing up blood on TB:
1 1 / 2 cup washed wood finger and cut as necessary,
boiled in 4 cups of water until the remaining 2 1 / 4 cup, After
chilling filtered, drinks. One day 3 x 3 / 4 cup.

4. Inflammation of the mucous lining of the eye:
2 finger wooden cup washed and cut into pieces as needed, boiled
with 3 clean water glass until remaining 1 1 / 2 cup. After cold
filtered, the water used for wash eye sore.

5. Dysentery:
1 finger cup timber washed and cut into pieces as needed, boiled
with 3 cups of water until the remaining 1 1 / 2 cup. After cold
filtered and then taken with honey as necessary. A day 2 x 3 / 4 cup.

Cup (Caesalpinia bonducella Flemm or C sappan Linn), many thrive on Indonesian soil, planted as a living fence or wild trees.The tree is full of thorns, wood white pig is part of terrace red blood. Soaking or steeping a cup of hot water timber is red is known as a potential treatment of blood diseases characterized discharge such as dengue fever, nosebleeds, vomiting blood, dysentery and even high blood diseases, as well as to cure the disease of blood sugar (diabetes), heart, kidney infection andlever.
For heart disease, plus a cup of steeping wood from Gunung Kawi Dewandaru leaves, child fever can be cooled with compressed water to brew a cup. Stroke is not too late to be drinking a cup of the cooking timber plus ceplukan tree and a little adas pulowaras.
For cancer treatment, plus a cup stew splinter of wood shavings setigi, nogosari and a handful of grass snake tongue or if there is no fruit can be replaced with makutha dewa

Red Flower Rosella Tea

are you never consume red flower rosella tea?
maybe some people dont know dont even know at all if the rosella flower red tea has many benefits contained in the flowers
Efficacy of Rosella interest including the following:
1    are detoxification, neutralize poison
2    Lowering blood pressure
3    Lowering blood sugar levels in diabetics
4    Inhibits cancer growth
5    Maintaining stamina
6    Lowers blood cholesterol
7    Balancing weight
8    Reduce heat and hard defecate
9    Lower levels of fat in the liver clotting
10  Reduce headache / migraine
11  Containing multivitamins, including vit.C and Beta carotene
Assist recovery from drug addiction
Creating a simple drink, stay brewing 5-7 petal with hot water, wait 5 minutes, ready to drink
Taste of these drinks like tamarind. if who have stomach ulcers have to be careful and added water content. if you want to add sugar, but for a better health mixed just use honey as a sweetener

Ginger Root Benefit

Behind it was a spicy, ginger contains substances that are useful for the human body. Not surprisingly, since long known to exist wedang (drinks), ginger, ginger sweet, or bandrek (drinks containing ginger). Ginger is also widely used as a seasoning for various types of cooking or baking. Benefits of ginger, according to some studies, among others:
1. Stimulates the release of the hormone adrenaline, to widen blood vessels, allowing blood to flow more quickly & smoothly. The body also becomes warmer, the heart pumps blood is lighter. As a result, blood pressure falls.
2.Ginger contains important digestive enzymes.
First, / / protease / / the function breaks down protein. Second, / / lipase / / the function break down overweight. Both of these enzymes help the body digest & absorb food.
3.Ginger contains at least 19 bio-active part useful for the body. The main part is / / gingerol / / which is an anticoagulant, which prevents blood clotting. So to prevent blockage of blood vessels, the main cause / / stroke / /, & heart assaults. Gingerol is expected to also help lower cholesterol.
4. Blocking / / serotonin / /, ie chemical compounds messenger. This compound causes the stomach to contract, arising sehigga nausea. For example, in individuals who experience motion disease. So, to prevent motion disease, it is nice to drink wedang ginger before travelling. How: am-pm fresh ginger along the first knuckle, put in cup hot water. Give the honey to taste, then drink. It could also use one-third teaspoon of ginger powder, or if resistant, eat slices of raw ginger. two.
5.Make the stomach to be comfortable, & help out the wind. Can relieve menstrual cramps or cramps due to eating much fatty food.
6. Helps the body fight colds & flu. Ginger contains antioxidants that help neutralize the damaging effects caused by free radicals in the body.
7. Ginger is a natural pain relief & to relieve rheumatic pain, headache, & migraine. How, drink wedang ginger two times every day. It could also drink wedang round, suck ginger sweet, ginger, or add when you make soup, stew, or rendang.

optimistic for health benefits

What is optimism or optimistic attitude? Optimism is the attitude always have lovely expectations in every way & the tendency to expect a pleasant outcome. Optimism may even be interpreted to think positive. So the optimism is more of a paradigm or way of thinking.

When a failure or pressures of life, how he feels an optimist? A positive-minded optimists or think does not think about failure is permanent. This does not mean that he was reluctant to accept reality. In lieu, he received & examined the issue. Then, as far as circumstances permit, it acts to fine-tune or improve the situation.

Positive thinking even be the key to managing stress. Optimism will make a person facing an disagreeable situation with a positive & productive manner.

Contrary to optimistic, pessimistic view would think about the failure of the bad side. Usually a pessimist often blame themselves for misery. He considers that the misfortune is permanent & it happened because it was fate, stupidity, incompetence, or kejelekannya. As a result, he resigned & would not attempt.

Benefits of Positive Thinking
Scientists have made the conclusions of the research over decades about the benefits of positive thinking & optimism on health. The results showed that a healthier & more optimistic longevity than others compared with pessimists. The researchers also noticed that more optimistic individuals who can handle stress & less likely to experience depression. Here are some benefits of being optimistic & often think positive.

1.More long life
2.More seldom experience depression
3.Lower stress levels
4.Have a body resistance against disease better
5.Better physically & mentally
6.Reducing the risk of heart disease
7.Able to overcome difficulties & cope with stress

Why are these benefits can be obtained for individuals who are optimistic & think positive? Because usually individuals who are optimistic will avoid activities that people do a pessimist in the face of stress & pressures of life. People pessimistic when faced with stress will divert attention with activities such as smoking, alcohol consumption, & enjoy food without control. While an optimist would do more physical activity, follow a healthy diet & reducing smoking & alcohol.

How to Be More Optimistic
In the event you often think negatively of others or of serious situations, it does not mean you can not think positive. You can alter negative thinking in to positive. It is not difficult to do, but it takes time & practice to generate this new habit. Here are some ways to be more optimistic & have a positive mind & attitude.

1.Check yourself
When you think that you won't be able to enjoy an adverse event or won't successfully perform a task, immediately get rid of that thought. Focus on the positive things that will be generated.

Make checks repeatedly. If negative thoughts more, then immediately switch to positive thinking.

2.Follow a healthy lifestyle
Exercising times a day can turn in to a positive mood & reduce stress. A healthy diet also affects the mind & body. & try to manage your stress.

3.Enjoy job
Strive to enjoy your work. No matter your job, look for those aspects that you.

4.Discover a mate who positively
Find friends who look at life positively. Such people are those who are optimistic & always support you by giving lovely advice.

Conversely, in the event you are surrounded by pessimistic people, will increase your stress & even make you hesitate to manage stress in a healthy way.

5.Face & accept
Face the situation that you can control, then set accepted the situation that you can not control.

6.Have a sense of humor
Try to smirk & laugh, when facing a impossible time. Look for events that invite laughter in their every day activities. A lovely sense of humor helps a person has a mind, emotions, & behavior that is more positive.

7.Note the lovely things
Each day, write down lovely things that you experience.

8.Simple rule
Do not say anything to yourself something you require to say to someone else.

It is to be optimistic is not simple. Natural disasters, live load, & also catastrophe could occur that makes plenty of people struggle to think positive. But by trying to be optimistic & positive thinking will produce a healthier life & more fulfilling. Do not give up!